Your wheels are part of your automobile’s suspension system, and when they’re aligned, your vehicle will go straight unless you turn it to the right or left. If your vehicle pulls to the right or left when you’re driving straight, your wheels are out of alignment. Total Auto Care can realign your wheels, so you don’t have to fight to keep it straight. Here are six reasons why the wheels may be misaligned.
Automobile accidents can easily knock your wheels out of alignment. Even minor fender-benders can do damage to the alignment depending on how you were hit. It’s a good idea to have your alignment checked if you’ve been in an accident, even there aren’t any other visible signs of damage.
Bumps, whether manmade or natural, wreak havoc on your wheel alignment. Your shocks and struts are designed to absorb uneven pavement, but they can only handle so much stress. When you fly over bumps, especially speed bumps, the impact knocks the wheels out of alignment.
The same is true with curbs. Hitting a curb while you’re making a turn or parallel parking knocks the wheel that makes the impact with the curb in the opposite direction. This is a sure-fire way to knock that wheel out of alignment, especially if you slam into the curb without realizing it.
Parking space markers are steeper than speed bumps, and every time you hit one pulling into a parking space, you push your wheels back. You can really damage your wheels, suspension, and tires if you drive over a concrete parking space marker. Pull into space slowly and carefully.
Potholes are a nightmare. They throw everything plus the kitchen sink at your wheels, which is why they are so damaging. No matter how angry the drivers get behind you, drive over potholes as slowly as possible. Their impact against the wheels can literally blow out your tire.
Zero Care
Finally, your wheels will eventually go out of alignment on their own if you don’t take care of them. The wheels should be balanced every time you have the tires rotated – every 6,000 miles. The wheels should also be aligned every two years and when you get a new set of tires.
Located in North Branch, MN, Total Auto Care can help you take care of your wheels and tires. Call us to schedule an appointment for rotation, balance, and alignment.